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Adath Hebrew Academy


 Welcome to Adath Hebrew Academy. We offer an innovative and exciting path to Jewish learning, empowering our students to discover, create and share personal A-HA! moments during their educational journey so they will become:

  • Confident Hebrew readers who are Bar/Bat Mitzvah ready
  • Deeply connected to Jewish culture, Jewish history, and the State of Israel
  • Comfortable participating in Shabbat & Holiday prayers
  • Meaningfully engaged with new Jewish friends

At Adath Hebrew Academy, we teach our students to become involved, committed, and engaged members of the Jewish community.  Our staff is devoted to engaging children in experiential learning, inspiring them to embrace their faith and Jewish heritage.


The school term will begin on Sunday, September 22nd for all grades from JK – Grade 6. Classes will run until Sunday, May 11th. The first Tuesday session for students in Grades 3 to 6 will be on September 24th.  

Please click HERE to see the 2024-2025 School Year calendar.


    Our team of educators, in collaboration with clergy,       
    endeavor to revise and improve the curriculum.
    Our curriculum goals include:

  • Educate our students in the spirit of Judaism – traditions, customs, circle of life and prepare them for their Bar/ Bat Mitzvah.
  • Focus on reading letters and simple words while progressing towards simple sentences, prayers and passages
  • Make connections to our students’ real-world life experiences through teaching the stories of the Torah and its significance in creating the foundation of Jewish traditions and values.
  • Establish in our students a deep love for Judaism and connection to the Land of Israel.

 Special Curriculum Features:

  • Experiential-based activities and group work that foster relationship building
  • Resource support where needed
  • Jewish Music, both traditional and new
  • Scaffolded learning (grade specific foci building on previous year)
  • Grade 3-6 weekly prayers and get-togethers with our clergy
  • Shabbat Morning Services and special Family Services
  • Giving back to our community


We believe in the merit of 2 day-a-week Hebrew School for students in Grades 3 to 6.  We also understand the challenges of bringing your children to Bathurst and Wilson on Tuesday afternoons.  So, we are committed to continuously expanding and improving our A-HA Convenience Program to make it easier for your family.

  1. Free walk-over service from Summit Heights (Tuesdays at 3:40 pm)
  2. Free supervised After-School Club (Tues: 3:45-4:30 pm)
  3. Parent-Led Carpool Program
  4. Parents are welcome to use our Wi-Fi-enabled library and boardroom after drop-off and/or before pick-up to continue their workday, relax or schmooze while enjoying kosher snacks from our kitchen.


We know that our parents and students are the school’s best ambassadors, so that is why we continue to offer referral incentives. We can all play a part in A-HA’s future sustainability.

Referral and First-Timer Program

  • For returning families who refer a new student, we will reimburse $50/student from your tuition for each new registrant.
  • For new families attending our Hebrew School for the first time, we will reimburse $50/new student from your tuition as our welcome gift.

For further questions about the A-HA incentive program, you may contact Ronly Doron, our Administrative Assistant, at the office. All contact details will be provided below.



2024-2025 FEE SCHEDULE
For planning purposes, it is advantageous for us to be able to predict class sizes as early as possible. In order to do so, we will continue to offer the Early Bird Registration process. Here is our fee schedule:

 As noted above, if you choose to participate in our Early Bird program, there are savings advantages:

 Early Bird 1 Offer - Pay in Full:

  • Register and PAY EARLY BIRD PRICING IN FULL by June 28th.
  • Qualify for Early Bird pricing and also receive a credit for $100 per child to use towards your next synagogue membership payment OR an additional $50 off school tuition.

 Early Bird 2 Offer - Deposit Only:

  • Register with a deposit of $150 (per student) by June 28th to hold your spot.
  • See payment schedule below for Early Bird pricing.

 Regular Payment Program:

  • A deposit of $150 is due upon registration
  • Installment payments must begin no later than September 5th
  • Final payment is due by November 20th

***Please note: The tuition paid qualifies as a charitable donation for taxation purposes.

 UJA Community Scholarship:

Adath Israel is partnering again with the UJA Federation to offer UJA Community Scholarships this year. For more details about the program, please click HEREClick HERE to apply confidentially through the UJA.



Registration will be open on May 30th, 2024 and must be completed online on our ShulCloud database.  Please click the appropriate registration link that follows:

  1. Payment: 
    Please note that the ShulCloud system is not as flexible as we’d all like since it will ONLY allow ONE payment at a time, which is the $150 deposit.

    To pay your balance and for Early Bird savings: Please contact our Senior Manager of Finance, Perry Zosky, at (416.635.5340 Ext 307). Perry will manually apply Early Bird and Incentive credits as applicable.
  2. For new students only:
  • There are TWO steps to registering a new student:

  • First, a new student INTAKE FORM must be completed before you register.  Please click HERE to complete and submit.

  • Once this form is completed, our office will then contact you with instructions about how to enrol your child at Adath Hebrew Academy.

   3. For Returning Students only:

        a. Log in to your new ShulCloud account and scroll down to the School Enrollment “tile” on your account page. 
      b. OR copy and paste this link to register:

The refund policy for a student who withdraws from Adath Hebrew Academy prior to or during the 2024-2025 school year
is outlined below.

Please follow us on social media and share with your network of friends and family.


For questions, please refer to the contact details below.
Registration*    Michael Cohen   (416) 635.5340 (Ext 317)
Payment*          Perry Zosky (Finance)   (416) 635.5340 (Ext 307)  

*Office Hours: Monday-Thursday 8:30am-4:30pm and Friday 8:30am-3:00pm

  Best Regards,
    Ashley WaltmanChair, Education Committee
    Michael CohenExecutive Director



Is there any sibling discount for families sending more than one child to A-HA?

  • No, discounts are not available for TWO siblings.
  • If a third child is enrolled, we will meet with the family to coordinate fair savings for the third enrolled child.

The early bird offers include either $100 or $50 Adath Dollars.  Is that an additional decrease from the early bird price listed on the fee schedules linked in the email?

  • Early Bird 1 pricing is available for those who pay in full by June 10, for which you will also receive a $100 deduction on your next membership payment or $50 on this year’s tuition fees.
  • However because of the inflexibility of the ShulCloud payment system, we encourage anyone interested in an Early Bird offer to call Perry Zosky, Financial Manager at
    416 635 5340 (307).

For the Early Bird Offer 2, do I have to pay the full rate?

  • No, the Early Bird Offer 2 was included so parents could reserve their child’s spot for just a $150 deposit, and by doing so, they receive the Early Bird tuition.
  • Families do not have to start paying tuition fees until after June 10 and must begin no later than Sept. 1.
  • Final payments are due by November 1st. 

Is the deposit refundable? Until when?

  • See above

Does the deposit count toward the fees or is that in addition to the fees? 

  • Yes, the $150 deposit does count towards tuition.  A reminder, if you are taking advantage of the Early Bird 1 offer, you must pay in full at the time of registration (and no later than June 10) and we encourage you to speak with Financial Manager, Perry Zosky to help you through the process.


Mon, 21 October 2024 19 Tishrei 5785